Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.
— CoCo Chanel —
Westbrook Interiors, an Atlanta interior design firm specializing in high-end residential and commercial projects, employs this philosophy in each and every project, whether it’s a private residence, vacation home, large-scale renovation, spa or professional office. And like Chanel’s “little black dress,” our interiors are effortlessly elegant, comfortably tailored and always classic.
With each project — modern, traditional or in between — our goal is to make the design feel cohesive and reflect not only the character of the home, but also the client’s tastes. And whether we are integrating a client’s treasured objects into their new home or accumulating everything, it is our goal for each project to look as though every meticulously curated piece was collected over time.
Barbara Westbrook, a native of Virginia, launched Atlanta-based interior design firm Westbrook Interiors in 1992 after designing under the tutelage of venerable talents Nancy Braithwaite and Gandy-Peace. Barbara has made her mark on interiors employing her signature style: tasteful, timeless and simply elegant. Westbrook’s inviting approach to design has yielded stylish results in traditional, transitional, and contemporary interiors.